
Product Name: MEDINA

Introducing Information:

One of the most powerful nutrient elements, Medina Chelated Zinc 10% with Ethylene Diamine Acetic Acid (EDTA) ensures optimal utilization of Zinc for better growth and sustainable higher productivity of agricultural and plantation crops. EDTA based Chelated Zinc containing 10% Zinc is so integrated in the purest form as to provide the plants not only physiological stimuli to overcome environmental stresses, but also activates relevant enzymes to produce more of the harvestable units per area in per unit of time.


  • Total Zinc (Minimum)---------10%
  • Moisture -------------------------7%


Zinc based fertilizer (Micro nutrient)

Formulation type

Granular (Free flowing)


Bhumi Chelated zinc acts to reduce Znic deficiency which are as follows:


  • Zinc deficient plants exhibit delayed maturity
  • The most visible zinc deficiency symptoms are short internodes and a decrease in leaf size
  • Leaf vain and margin turned in to yellow
  • Production decrease extremely
  • Plants become stunted
  • Dead patches on the leaf cause it to bend or collapse
  • On leaves, the areas between veins become yellow. Lowest (oldest) leaves yellow completely

Mode of Action

After application in the soil ZnSO4 ionized to Zn2+ which is ready to taken up by root across the root plasma membrane. The path of Zn2+ movement from root surface to shoot includes a symplasmic component, translocation to shoots is indicative of Zn2+ movement across root cell plasma membranes. Zinc is acquired from the soil solution primarily as Zn2+, but also potentially complexed with organic components, by roots which feed the shoots via the xylem and by products also circulated through phloem.


Zinc binds with protein & regulate transcription directly through effects on DNA & RNA which regulate the physiological appearance of the plants. Actually it’s directly affects the cell division of the plants which directly affects the growth & production of the crop plants.
